Showing posts with label Macaroons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Macaroons. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Macarons that travelled from France to USA

Every time I fly through Paris airport, I wanted to taste these delectable macarons but taken aback by the price. I couldn't help but wonder if they were really worth the money or was it just another marketing strategy. However,  I received a box of 12 assorted macarons from Fauchon as a gift from my beloved. 
It had assortment of coffee, chocolate, caramel, vanilla- pistachio, raspberry-chocolate, orange-pistachio?? Well, for a box of macarons this expensive, it would be great to see flavor description at the least. I was instructed to refrigerate the macarons before consuming. They looked appetizing and I took my sweet time to savor each bite of this French delicacy. The texture of the macaron was quite familiar and close to Almond Halwa. Outer skin was bit hard to bite and the filling was thick and heavy. Coffee was my favorite and rest of the flavors were good too. Overall, they were OK. Maybe macarons don't travel that well. I have to try them fresh to compare.